Men’s Health
Despite statistical evidence that clearly shows men have a higher mortality rate than women, men still show a greater reluctance to seek medical advice. Men have a tendency to deny feeling unwell or shrug it off with that well-worn phrase ‘I’ll be alright’. The fact is, that it may not be alright. Like women, men have specific health needs that require care and attention.
Key areas for men’s health include:
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Erectile dysfunction
- STD testing. Chlamydia in Australia is now more common in males than females
- Sleep apnoea occurs two to three times more commonly in men than women
- Cardiovascular disease occurs on average around 10 years earlier in men
- High Blood Pressure is more common in men than women before the age of 45
- Kidney stones of which 70% occur in men
Doctors at Central Health Alliance can help guide you towards a healthier lifestyle and teach you how to avoid health problems that typically affect men, such as:
- High blood pressure
- Heart conditions
- Weight management
- Prostate concerns
- Urinary problems
- Sexual dysfunction
- Lack of general physical fitness
The most common cancers in men in Australia are:
- Skin cancer
- Prostate cancerns
- Bowel cancer: 1 in 10 men get colorectal cancer (compared with 1 in 15 women)
- Lung cancer
Doctors at Central Health Alliance will, as appropriate, assess your risk of such cancers and where appropriate, advise on screening, management and ways to reduce your risk